
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A UFO New Year

A little late to the party! I have been busy tho... getting over a bug, making changes around the house and my longarm business. We moved my industrial straight stitch into my longarm studio. It will be put back into use for window treatment UFOs for our house. No... there are no plans to go back into the window treatment business so please don't ask!

2016 WILL BE the year for UFOs! As tempting as the new projects are at this time of the year... I AM GOING to finish last year's first! Calypso is pretty close to a flimsy. Sew far this month, all of the blocks are sewn and the first triangle/quadrant of the medallion is together. Yea! Good start, now to keep it going for the whole year with more UFOs.

This is a pic from last year. My very old camera, the very first digital Olympus came out with has given up and I am searching for a camera. Any suggestions for a good camera for taking pix of quilts would be appreciated!
I made the difficult decision to cut back my longarm business. Here is a post from this morning about those changes.
Got tiered of being badgered by Microsoft and made the change to Windows10. Haven't decided if it's an 'up'grade or an annoyance. Definitely more invasive! 

Looking forward to what the New Year brings and the path it takes.
"We will be known forever by the tracks we leave"
Native American proverb 
Tot ziens, Jo

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