
Sunday, February 21, 2016

UFOs, WIPs and other 3 letter projects

Organizing my thoughts and setting goals for this year. First and foremost, I put myself on a fabric diet, a challenge to only use fabric from my stash. Yea, we all know how that one goes, pretty much the same as a food diet, but will give it a go ;0)

Second is to work on projects that are already in progress ~ WIPs, UFOs and a BOM. I don't get allot of time to work on my own quilts, let alone quilt them, so I plan to make the most of this year to finish what I am able to do. 

My list...

WIP ~ Patchwork City by Elizabeth Harman
Karen started it! and now I am 3 blocks into this sampler, great book/pattern.

2016 BOM ~ Toes in the Sand from Jaybird
Kelly is doing this one at Honey Run Quilters starting in April. Come join us!
I have all of my fabrics pulled from my stash. The only thing I will need is 2 more yards of fabric for the background triangles.
WIP/BOM ~ finish Calypso, a BOM from 2015. To do: the last outer border, piecing the backing (so I don't buy fabric ;) quilting plus binding and a label for a finish. 

UFO ~ a Linda Ballard quilt I started last Spring in one of her workshops. Same day that my Mom took a turn and we spent the rest of the season with Hospice. By summer she passed just 6 months shy of turning 100! I miss her so very much

WIP ~ Moon Glow, a project Beckie and I are working on together. We both started last year and each have been interrupted with other projects. Beckie is working on a French Braid that we worked on together yesterday on my big worktable. It is a gift for a wedding coming up soon. I will be quilting it too. Talk of a second one by Beckie for another family member in May. Beckie has more blocks completed than I do so my goal is to catch up.

BOM ~ Westering Women, 2016 BOM on Barbara Brackman's Civil War blog. My January block is completed. To do: keep up with each month's blocks. I have the second block finished but it needs some tweaking, back to the cutting table!

UFO ~ My Civil War sampler quilt from the BOW that Barbara hosted in 2011. All my blocks have been finished since 2012. To do: decide on a layout and sew the blocks together. 

UFO ~ 1880s Sampler. A project I started following Cheryl Miller's blog as she completed her sampler. Cheryl set up a great tutorial and even sent me the perfect fabric! Sew nice! I have several blocks made. To do: get back to piecing blocks. I even purchased a pattern from Gay at Sentimental Stitches in order to paper piece some of the blocks. Will have to resize them to fit the blocks that are started. I already have all the fabric for the borders and sashing too, so a flimsy would be oh so nice! Completing blocks would be great too :0)

UFO ~ Grandmother's Choice (Votes for Women). A BOW from 201? following the blog Barbara Brackman set up. Several blocks are completed. To do: finish more blocks. 

UFO ~ JT2. This one is way down the list because it Just Takes forever! A project done with Gay at Sentimental Stitches and Brenda of Dear Jane fame in 201? To do: Finish as many blocks as I can with the fabric I have on hand and call it good.

There are tabs for each of the UFOs under my header, if you are interested in pix. There are, of course, others that may get thrown back on the list, will see how it goes...

Considering it's almost the end of February, 
I better get going! Enjoy your Sunday 
Tot ziens, Jo

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