
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March Madness!

Lots of quilting going on altho mostly on the longarm! I am happy to say that even with an overbooked schedule, all the quilts promised in March are quilted but one, which will be finished today. Yea

Despite my insane schedule, I made progress on some of my own piecing. I was invited to join a sew group and we spent 2 sew days together this month working at Honey Run Quilter's in Cathy's classroom. It's a great group of quilters and I am honored to be invited! 

One member of the group, Karen brought a quilt in last year to be quilted that she made from the book Patchwork City by Elizabeth Harman. I fell in love with it, have the book now, purchased fabric last year and started it at the first sew day. It's just what I love... a sampler, scrappy, each block is different and it's perfect for fussy cutting!  

There are three different sized blocks, this is one of the 8 x 8. 
I have 10 or so blocks made and having allot of fun with each one! 

These were the first 8 x 8's

I haven't taken pix of the newest ones yet,
of those there are a few each of the 5 x 14 and 5 x 8 blocks completed.

This month I also made the block for Westering Women.
The newest one is posted on The Civil War Blog this morning
Not completely happy with my fabric choices and playing with a different choice.

The downside of fussy cutting...
one spends way too much time on one block!!! 

Looking forward to April, I signed up for A Block of the Month with Kelly
 Toes in the Sand by Jay Bird Quilts

and this weekend... I am signed up for Good Times Weekend
 with Goldie and the girls! 
We will spend the whole weekend at HRQ in Cathy's classroom 
starting off on Friday afternoon which includes a potluck 
and then all day Saturday and Sunday
working on our own projects. I hear the class is filled! 
Should be fun. In the past I've dropped in but this is the first time for me to participate.
I have 3 UFOs packed up and ready to go! Yea!!!

Tot ziens, Jo

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