
Sunday, May 22, 2016


Feathers come in different forms 
I often think of the phrase "Feathers appear when angels are near"
 while stitching feathers on a quilt and think of my Mom.
Tonight will be one year ago that mom passed away.

Earlier this week we had a few windy days and a large branch broke off one of our Black Walnut trees over Micheal's shop. It took out one of the skylights, thankfully no damage to the roof. Two days later Michael found a young Screech Owl in our yard on the ground being attacked by two Blue Jays. It happened fast enough that Michael was able to rescue the little guy before the Jays did too much damage. 
The little guy in Michael's hands, not a happy camper ;0( 

Michael called Bidwell Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and was directed to Marilyn who specializes in rescuing birds. The little guy was placed in a box and off he went! 
Turned out Marilyn has seven birds already, a couple of them were Screech Owls plus a couple of Red Shouldered or Red Tailed Hawks. She said this owl was a juvenile however underweight. Thinking that there may have been a nest in the branch that fell and the reason this little guy ended up on the ground. Screech Owls don't get much bigger, found some videos online, they are cute little guys! Hope this one recovers, Marilyn felt that it would.
Angles come in many forms too!


  1. What a sweet post, Jo. Thoughts of your mother--mine has been gone 11 years this month & I still think of her; the darling baby screech owl--didn't you love holding his soft little body? You had some tender mercies this weekend.

  2. I haven't heard that phrase before about feathers - but I do believe it. Screech owls are amazingly small for the volume of their calls, aren't they? Glad you were able to get this one to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center.


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