
Friday, November 4, 2016

November Goals

Goals for November:
Back to Gypsy Wife... I've actually missed working on this quilt :0) Will be fun to get back to it this month with the hopes of a flimsy finish.

Split Decision. Guild meeting last night with guest speaker Don Linn. Turned in my finished... yes finished Challenge quilt! BIG YEA! Today I attended Don's workshop on curved piecing. Quilt top almost completed to a flimsy in class! Just a few more seams to finish tomorrow at a sew day with friends up in Paradise. Looking forward to that.

Painted Forest workshop this week was filled. There will be a bonus sew day this coming Sunday... Everyone signed up for the first workshop is invited for a fun day growing trees!

Gravity. Continued workshops thru the end of the year with Kelly at HRQ for Jaybird's block of the month ~ Gravity. Only two blocks into it, pix soon of progress with two meetings this month. My fabric choices are batiks ranging from gold to purple for the star, not doing the complete color wheel and shades of gray in Grunge for the background.

 Enjoy your weekend... 
and don't forget to set your clocks back an hour
 (where applicable ;0)
Tot ziens, Jo

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