My favorite season is on it's way. Happy for the cooler temps, especially in the mornings :0) Great weekend, spent Saturday with Beckie. She taught a table runner class at Honey Run Quilters at Cathys. She had enough people sign up that she did two sessions. I helped out with the first and then made a table runner during the second session. Really cute design, made out of 60 degree triangles and at least one diamond. More if you want to make it longer.

Everyone purchased the pattern called Triangle Frenzy ~ Swirl by Bunnie Cleland. It was really fun to see how everyone's stripe fabric made a different design. Takado made a long one in Christmas fabric, several made runners for Holloween and two ladies in the afternoon session used a really pretty stripe fabric with Chickadees. Did I take pix, sadly, no :0( We were having way too much fun!
This is a link to a Artistically Engineered Designs for pix and of course, there are lots on Pinterest as well. Below is a picture from the web and the table runner on the cover of the pattern...
I pulled some 'vintage' fabric from my stash, anything with a border or stripe design will work. I found two, one an old Debbie Mumm fabric and this fabric with Angels...
Packed my big 60 degree triangle template, sewing machine, supplies and was off to have fun! Beckie even had a drawing for door prizes! If you ever get the chance to take her table runner classes, she has several different ones, do it, she is a hoot and very talented to boot.
Sunday I spent the day finishing my runner with the football games on the teli. Being a visual and symmetrical person, I actually cut my runner apart with the intent of keeping all of the outer borders in the blue stripe. So I started over, made it smaller, lost a little more of the blue stripe than I wanted but here it is finished...
Quilting is optional but of course, but that is what I do sew mine is quilted. A little FMQ around the prints, pillow cased with the backing fabric, turned, closed and then I added straight line quilting with a walking foot on my Juki thru all of the layers. It was really nice to get back to quilting on my Juki. I love the rhythm of doing free motion quilting (FMQ) sitting at a domestic. I used Hobbs for the loft but it made it a little wobbly on the edges. Next one I'll try Dream Blend.
The only disappointing part of the day was that my two favorite teams did not win their games! Altho Denver put up a good show at the end, tied the game with the Sea Hawks only to loose in overtime, it was far better than the Super Bowl game these two teams played at the end of last season!
Enjoy your week
Groetjes, Jo